If you are making an appointment to visit our office, chances are your dentist suspects you may need a root canal. Perhaps you may be experiencing pain, swelling or sensitivity. Or you may not have symptoms at all, but your dentist may see something “suspicious” on your x-ray. Whatever it is that brings you to see Dr. Tengonciang, if you know what to expect at your first visit, you can manage your expectations accordingly.

A typical first visit  to our office begins with an assistant taking x-rays of your teeth. Dr. Tengonciang will evaluate your symptoms prior to testing the tooth in question along with the adjacent teeth. After the tests are complete, a diagnosis will be given and Dr. Tengonciang will thoroughly review his findings and discuss your treatment options. 

Dr. Tengonciang will also make you aware of the benefits and risks involved in order for you to understand how endodontic treatment can relieve your pain and save your tooth.

If you decide to receive treatment, the procedure may start immediately. Before treatment begins, you will receive local anesthesia to numb any sensations you may feel during the procedure. If the procedure is unable to be completed within one visit, medicine may be placed inside the tooth between appointments.

Once your procedure is complete, more X-rays are taken to track the success of the treatment. You will be provided with post operative instructions and what to expect over the next few days. 

*If you need assistance in a language other than English or if you are deaf/hearing impaired, please call our office prior to first appointment. Once your preferred method of communication is documented, it would be our pleasure to set up an interpreter on your behalf.


For patients who are overly anxious about receiving endodontic treatment, oral sedation can help reduce your anxiety about your endodontic procedure. Although you'll be in a very relaxed state, you still will be conscious and able to communicate with the doctor. Because you may feel sleepy, you'll need an escort to drive you to and from your appointment. If you are interested in having oral conscious sedation during your appointment, feel free to call our office to discuss this option prior to your appointment.